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Mental Health and Wellbeing

We take the mental health and emotional well-being of our staff and pupils very seriously.  For our pupils, we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which raises awareness of mental health and teaches our children the importance of looking after their well being.  We use the Derbyshire PSHE scheme for learning called ‘PSHE Matters’ which includes learning about well being.  We celebrate national initiatives such as ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’.  See last year’s timetable below. We also provide lots of inter and extra curricular activities to promote good mental health including Forest School and plenty of PE and Sport opportunities.

We use the DCC SMILERS approach to good mental health and well being.

SMILERS are the new Derbyshire Ways to Well-being. We will be focussing on one theme per week with the children.  The theme is introduced in a whole school assembly at the start of the week and celebrated in our weekly Shine Assembly each Friday.   We have a big sign at the front of school – please click on the QR code to find out more or visit:

We also provide additional support for those who require it through our weekly Woodland (Nurture) group.  We work closely with families to offer other pastoral support where necessary. 

We also work closely with the ‘Changing Lives’ service based at Lady Manners School.  The Changing Lives Service is Derby and Derbyshire’s Children and Young People’s Mental Health Support Team.  You can refer your child for support if you have concerns about their emotional wellbeing.   You can contact the service for more information and advice on: 0300 303 4663 or email

To find local information about support you can access yourself, this is available via the Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health & Wellbeing Website: 

Well Being Ambassadors

All of our Y6 pupils are well being ambassadors who have been trained to know how to look after the well being of themselves and other pupils.  They received a whole day’s training in July 2022 by the Changing Lives Mental Health Support Teams.  

The following organisations offer information and support on mental health and wellbeing:

Your local library can also provide access to Reading Well: books on prescription, a collection of carefully curated titles for adults, children and young people to support common mental health conditions, or deal with difficult feelings and experiences. Find your local library to join up and borrow them.

Young people can get free, confidential support at any time from government-backed voluntary and community sector organisations by:

  • texting SHOUT to 85258
  • calling Childline on 0800 1111
  • calling the Mix on 0808 808 4994