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Volunteer Information

Important information for school volunteers and visitors

Please read and ask if you have any questions

Our Vision and Values

‘Happy learners forging our place in the world’

This is an aspirational message supported by everyone in school which we will all do our best to achieve. It should help us as we go forward, providing clarity and direction.

Happy – having fun, fulfilling potential, flourishing, being safe, cared for and nurtured.

Learners – being enthused, engaged, motivated and inspired.  Being able to work independently and collaboratively. Being aspirational and ambitious.  Developing a strong moral compass. 

Forging – not giving up in the face of challenge, recognising that effort and a positive attitude is the root to success.   

Our place – sharing responsibility for what happens, taking our place in the local and global community.

World – being proud to be part of the local and wider communities and appreciating the similarities and differences within them.  Developing a tolerance and respect for and an understanding of the world.

Curbar School aims to work in partnership with parents, the community and the local authority.  We believe that school life should be enjoyable and learning should be fun and it is our aim that each child will be happy and motivated, will have positive feelings about themselves and their school and will look back with great fondness upon their time at Curbar. 


Please sign in (and sign out at the office when you leave).

Mobile phones are not to be used on site. If you bring it, please ensure your mobile is turned off and left in the staffroom or office.

Please ensure confidentiality and discretion at all times. 


Executive Headteacher – Mr Simon Beahan

Reception teacher in School House – Mrs Jen Callard

Senior Teacher and Class 1 (Y1 and Y2) teacher – Mrs Linda Berry

Class 2 teacher (Y3 and 4)– Miss Claudie Pattison

Class 3 teacher (Y5 and 6) – Mrs Chantelle Stirling

School Business Officer – vacant position

Teaching Assistants –  Mrs Sue Ridgeway, Mrs Julie Cain, Mrs Jo Wilson, Mrs Kelli Allen

Midday Supervisors – Mrs Jo Wilson, Mrs Kelli Allen, Mrs Sue Ridgeway, Mrs Julie Cain

PE and Sports Teacher – Mrs Jenny Reeves

Cleaner in Charge – Mrs Carol Wilson

School Cooks – Mrs Carol Wilson

Chair of Governors – Mrs Jane Taylor

Vice Chair of Governors – Mr George Wolfe


If, at any point, during your visit to our school you have a concern regarding child protection please raise your concern immediately with our Designated Safeguarding Lead (Simon Beahan) or the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Claudie Pattison).

Longstone C of E (VA) Primary School operates a whole school approach and ethos to safeguarding and protecting children. Where safeguarding is concerned, we maintain an attitude of “it could happen here”. We recognise that everyone in the school has a role to play to keep children safe; this includes ensuring children feel heard and understood, identifying concerns, sharing information, and taking prompt action. Safeguarding and child protection is incorporated in all relevant aspects of processes and policy development. All systems, processes and policies operate with the best interests of a child at their centre.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Acting to enable all children to achieve the best outcomes

We help to keep children safe by:

  • Providing safe environments, with secure access, where children can learn and develop
  • Acting in the best interests of children to protect them online and offline, including when they are receiving remote education
  • At the earliest opportunity, identifying children who may need early help, and who are at risk of harm or have been harmed. This can include, but is not limited to, neglect, abuse (including by other children), grooming or exploitation
  • Taking timely and appropriate safeguarding action for children who need extra help or who may be suffering, or likely to suffer, harm. This includes, if required, referring in a timely way to those who have the expertise to help
  • Using safe recruitment processes and managing allegations that may meet the harm threshold and allegations/concerns that do not meet the harm threshold, referred to as low-level concerns


The health and safety of every person at Curbar Primary School is very important to us so please read the following information carefully.

If you have any concerns about a health and safety issue while visiting our school please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff and your concerns will be raised with the Headteacher (Simon Beahan) or our School Business Officer (Nell Wakerley).

Health and Safety is everyone’s responsibility!


All teaching and support staff are basic first aid trained. Mrs Berry and Mrs Callard are paediatric first aid qualified. In the event of an injury or accident, call for assistance from a member of staff.  If the child is able to walk, calmly take them to the first aid point, outside the pupil toilets.

Please make the school aware of any medical needs you may have when you sign in at the school office.


  • Please ensure all areas of the playground are supervised and all pupils are visible.
  • Remind children to play calmly and sensibly considering the needs of others.
  • Children must only play with proper play equipment and use it safely.
  • Any adult on playtime duty should report any health and safety concerns to staff.
  • Strangers at the boundary should be challenged – report this to a member of staff.
  • Please ensure the pupils are reminded to follow the ‘Curbar Code’.

We must always:

  • Be ready for learning and always try our best (Be Aware)
  • Care for ourselves and each other (Share)
  • Care for our school (Care)


Bullying is not tolerated at Curbar Primary School. All racial, homophobic and incidents related to disability must be reported to the Head Teacher immediately.

Any sexualised or any other particularly concerning behaviour should be reported to the class teacher.

If you have any concerns regarding bullying behaviour, inform a member of staff.


In the event of an emergency or the fire alarm sounding please follow these procedures:

  • Break glass on nearest fire pointby the front door; in the corridor outside the pupil toilets; two points in class 2; on landing of attic; in cloakroom of Beehive; near rear door in School House; on landing in School House.
  • Evacuation should be via the nearest safe exitmain entrance at front, door onto yard in class 1, door onto yard near pupil toilets, two exits in the Beehive, front and rear door in school house.
  • All persons to leave the building by marked exits in a quiet and orderly manner.
  • Do not collect personal belongings.
  • All persons to assemble by the wall adjacent to the playground or alternatively by the main entrance to All Saint’s Church.
  • The office to contact the emergency services and take registers outside
  • Do not re-enter the building.
  • Fire extinguishers are sited at the following locationsby the door of the staffroom; on the landing outside the attic room; in the school kitchen; in the boiler house; in the cloakroom of the Beehive; on the landing of school house.


  • Be ready to respond to any potential hazard in and around the school.
  • Maintain a calm manner during the incident.
  • Follow the instructions of the head teacher and senior staff.
  • Do not speak to any members of the media or use your phone unless directed to do so.
  • All visitors must sign in and out at the school office. Please wear the lanyard with a sticker.
  • Visitors who do not have DBS clearance must be supervised by a member of staff at all times .
  • Please ensure any hot drinks are contained in a protected mug.
  • Please ensure your mobile phone is not used in the school building.
  • We expect every visitor to conduct themselves professionally at all times.
  • Please treat our staff and pupils with respect.
  • Confidentiality is vital; please be aware of who is about when you may be having a discussion of a confidential nature.
  • If at any point you are concerned or worried about something you have seen or heard please speak to the Headteacher, or a member of staff, so that we can take appropriate and immediate action.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to Curbar Primary School. We are always keen to hear what you have enjoyed about visiting our school and if you have any recommendations about we can improve further, let us know!



Telephone: 01433 620266

Curbar Primary School

Calver Bridge


Hope Valley


S32 3XA

