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About Us

Welcome to Curbar School

Welcome to the website of our wonderful village school. Curbar Primary School is a small rural school set in the beautiful surroundings of the Hope Valley in the Peak District National Park. We have been a community school for 150 years and will celebrate this amazing milestone this year. We are well supported by committed governors, parents and members of the local community.

We are very proud of the education we offer our children. In the reception group, a safe, inclusive learning environment is quickly established. Lots of outdoor learning, including our amazing Forest School, ensures these youngsters are developing all round skills and fun is at the centre of it all – the mud kitchen is always a favourite! As learning progresses, the school day offers variety, stimulation and challenge for all pupils, whatever their ability. Topics often stretch across the curriculum, helping make learning relevant and interesting. Gardening can link to maths; history and geography recently linked to excellent year 5 & 6 report writing. Regular assessment ensures that each child’s learning is closely monitored – with support offered where necessary by experienced staff.

Mr Simon Beahan
Executive Headteacher

We have high expectations of all children and encourage them to relish challenge too. As a result, they achieve highly. Just look at our consistently good results on the website.

The range of activities is also something of which we are proud. Sporting talents are developed with regular competitions, lunchtime and after school clubs led by skilled coaches. Singing as a ‘Young Voices’ choir; competing in a cluster Kwik Cricket event; drumming on Curbar edge; entertaining locals at our Spring ‘May Bough’ day; raising over £300 in enterprise week; growing, cooking and eating our own food – just a few recent highlights! Follow us on Facebook for the pictures!

Our children get out and about too. Just before lockdown we had whole school visits to Magna Science Adventure Centre, the English Institute of Sport and took our year 5 and year 6 pupils and our Pupil Parliament to the Houses of Parliament and the Foreign Commonwealth Office in London. We have recently been on whole school visits to Sikh and Hindu temples in Derby and a Christmas Panto (oh yes, we have!). Years 5 and 6 will soon be heading off on the residential visit to Whitehall in Buxton, to take part in a range of outdoor adventurous activities.

As a small school each child is known and feels involved. It is noticeable, especially when out and about, that the older children relish the responsibility of supporting their younger peers. This is very often remarked upon by our hosts. It is a delight to see these social skills develop, as our children grow.

If you would like to come and see for yourself or find out more, please contact Mr Beahan, the Headteacher on 01433 630266 or browse the school website further.

Please contact the school office if you would like paper copies of the documents available on the website or require further information about anything else you read.

Best wishes

Mr Simon Beahan
Executive Headteacher