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Pupil Parliament

2022 – 2023

Our new Pupil Parliament for 2023 – 2024 

Voting is taking place this week.  Watch this space for our new Pupil Parliamentarians!

Recent (and not so recent) events.

Thursday 2 March 2023 – World Book Day

Friday 17 March 2023 – Red Nose Day

Here’s a remainder of some of the exciting things the Pupil Parliament get up to!


OCTOBER 2022 –  This year’s Enterprise Week and Farmer’s Market will once again raise money for Sheffield Childrens’ Hospital.

UPDATE: We raised £304 for the hospital!

OCTOBER 2022 –  The Pupil Parliament decided what events would take place to raise money for ‘Children in Need’.  They asked children to: donate £1 to wear spots/bright clothes; bring spare change to take part in a lunchtime ‘Hook a Duck’ competition; bring homemade cakes to sell at an after school ‘Cake Sale’. 

UPDATE: We raised £135.75 for Children in Need!

NOVEMBER 2022 – The Pupil Parliament decided that during Anti-Bullying week each would have a focus on ‘Friendship’.  All children will also complete a friendship survey (as will parents).  The Parliament will compile the results and share. 

The Pupil Parliament asked the children to wear odd socks on Friday 22 November to celebrate ‘Anti Bullying’ week.

FEBRUARY 2020 – Class 3 spent a wonderful day in London visiting the Houses of Parliament and the Foreign Commonwealth Office.  We were joined by the Pupil Parliamentarians in Years 3 and 4 as well.


Friendship Survey – Classes Combined – Nov. 2022            
  Safe Kind of Safe Unsafe      
In my class I feel 46 15        
On the playground I feel 37 21 3      
I the dinner hall I feel 52 8        
Going to and from school I feel 53 7        
  Nearly always Most of the time Sometimes Never    
Do other children behave well? 23 24 12 2    
Are other children friendly towards you in class? 36 17 8      
Do you enjoy break and lunchtimes? 37 14 10      
Are other children friendly to you at break and lunchtimes? 34 19 10      
Are you friendly towards other children in your class? 44 15 2      
Are you friendly towards other children at break and lunchtimes? 42 12 1      
  N/A Mum or Dad Sister or brother Teacher or other adult at school Another child at school nobody
If you have been hurt on purpose this year, who have you told? 17 22 6 37 14 1
If you have been hurt on purpose this year, who has tried to help you? 19 17 8 28 29 0
  Yes No        
Do you know what bullying is? 54 6        
  Yes Maybe No      
Do you think you have been bullied this year? 4 18 39