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A Day in the Life

The doors open at 8.40am and school starts at 8.45am; there is a break for lunch between 12.00 and 1.00pm. The children finish at 3:15pm.  This ensures that all children are in school for a minimum of 32.5 hours per week.  Some children will be educated on site further if they attend after school clubs. 

There are usually two breaks during the school day for infants (Key Stage 1) – one at 10.40am and one at 2.oopm.  However, there sin’t an afternoon break if the children are enjoying Forest School or PE.  The juniors (Key Stage 2) do not have an afternoon break.

Please bring children to school at 8.40am  so that they are ready for learning in the classroom by 8:45am.  Younger pupils should be brought to and collected from school by a responsible adult who is known to the school staff. Children should not be left at school if a member of staff is not present. 

Please collect children on time at the end of the day.

Do note that parents with children in both the infant and junior classes are welcome to wait for their elder child(ren) in the playground with their children.


8:40am School playground and doors open. Please note – there will be no adult supervision on the playground prior to this time.

8:45am Registration and start of the school day. Children enter the school building.

8:55am Assembly 

10:40am – 10:55am – Break for all children.

12pm-1pm Lunchtime.

2pm – 2:15pm – Break for infant children.

3:15pm End of the school day for all children.


Wednesday after school clubs:


Comic and art club

British Sign Language
