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At Curbar Primary School, we strive towards shaping assured, happy and resilient mathematicians who relish the challenge of maths.  Maths is a key life skill and we aim that our children become enthusiastic, independent and creative mathematicians across the curriculum.  Our aim is for it to be taught as part of a rich and progressive curriculum, where we plan and sequence mathematical lessons carefully, to build upon previous learning, and secure new learning successfully.  Our maths planning is bespoke to the needs of the groups and individuals.

At Curbar, mathematics equips pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world.  We have designed a curriculum that balances the five key elements of coherence, representation and structure, variation, fluency and thinking mathematically.  This, along with the fluency objectives expected at the end of each year, clearly set out the knowledge and tools that pupils will gain at the end of each stage.  These tools include logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and the ability to think in abstract ways.

Our wish, is for our pupils to use these tools and experiences long after they have left Curbar, to enable them to go further in their academic pursuits, and to use mathematics with confidence in their everyday lives.

Our mathematics curriculum encompasses the aims of the National Curriculum.

At Curbar, we promote pupils’ SMSC development through mathematics in the following ways:

  • We facilitate moments of pleasure and wonder when a pupil solves a problem for the first time, or discovers a more elegant solution to that problem, or suddenly sees hidden connections.
  • We help pupils to recognise how logical reasoning can be used to consider the consequences of particular decisions and choices; mathematics is used to give pupils the confidence to question, investigate, prove and explain.
  • We support and encourage pupils to work together productively on complex mathematical tasks: to recognise the power of collaboration when using collective talent and ability to solving problems.
  • We help pupils to appreciate the contribution that mathematical excellence has made to the development of our society, and continues to make in our increasingly technical world.
  • We support and encourage pupils to be resilient and know that effort and perseverance is a route to success and achievement in many aspects of maths.


As a school, we use the White Rose planning and teaching and learning resources which supports the mastery approach.  Curbar Primary school ensures continuity and progression in the teaching of mathematics.

The planning of mathematics at Curbar is reactive and personalised for the child.  Assessment for learning is used rigorously and accurately to ensure the right teaching and learning strategy is applied to the right situation.  Activities are selected to support the delivery and acquisition of specific and relevant learning objectives which meet the developmental needs of the children.

The learning planned for the varying groups is based on rigorous assessment (pre-assessment) and learning outcomes are clearly established before teaching commences.  Performance outcomes are accurately mapped into a learning journey where conceptual, skills and application elements are developed effectively.  Planning is reflected upon daily to identify children’s next steps for learning.

The planning journey aims to ensure accuracy, pace and challenge to all children within class groups, ensuring that all diverse learning needs are met. Progress and success should be identified and relate directly to evidence within pupil books.

Daily maths teaching provides rich opportunities for developing reasoning and using and applying mathematics.  Making mathematical choices and explaining thinking are encouraged along with increased opportunities for reflection and exploration are provided within the classroom.  Mathematical procedures are developed in line with children’s understanding and directly reflect children’s prior experiences of operating practically.

Before mathematical procedures are demonstrated to the children, a clear understanding of the key concepts must be established.  Our mathematics teaching encourages children to become flexible problem solvers with a skilful application of their reasoning ability.  Children are taught through exploration of conceptual ideas and mathematical rules and develop independence when applying knowledge, skills and understanding.  Our maths teaching reflects a balance between computational efficiency, reasoning and application; ensuring depth of understanding and mastery.

It is the intention at Curbar to provide opportunity for pupils to explore depth in key maths principles before moving on to more complex ideas and procedures.  Our maths teaching deepens learning through carefully structured questioning, tasks and experiences to develop secure understanding of key structures within their learning.

The focus at Curbar is not to accelerate children through the breadth of curriculum content, but to spend longer exploring strands to ensure a deep and secure understanding of key concepts.  Progress is measured through the increasing ability to access more sophisticated, intellectually demanding material which builds on basic conceptual learning.

It is at the class teacher’s discretion how learning is structured within classrooms in order to maximise learning.  The lesson structure of each session must address pupil needs and provide opportunities for all children to make progress.  Teachers should use supporting adults to maximise the learning opportunities within each lesson; this could be supporting individual children, teaching groups of children independently from the main session or team teaching with class teacher.

Over time, an equal amount of teacher time should be allocated to each group of learners to provide skilled direct teaching, accurate assessment and evaluation for all children.  Teaching at all levels should provide children with clear models, images and resources to develop a secure and in-depth understanding of the curriculum.  Where children are identified as making slower than expected progress, action should be taken immediately.  Assessment of the children’s difficulties should identify how to proceed; formal intervention (e.g. Catch up) planned and delivered over time, or short term teacher / TA support before learning continues.  All support must be bespoke to the children’s needs; developing the gaps in understanding and mastery of procedures.

Each classroom should contain a mathematics working wall; an essential tool that may have examples of the concepts taught during the unit, key vocabulary and examples of good work from the children.

Please refer to our Calculation Policy for progressions of concepts, skills and reasoning in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division from EYFS to the end of Key Stage 2.  The calculation policy provides an accurate model in teaching children formal methods of calculation.  Each method follows a practical journey enabling children to understand the key principles of each operation and explanation of how each method address the operational procedure.  Steps should not be missed in the learning journey as they build structural progression.

Please see below the long term plan for maths across the whole school.  


In early years, assessment is made according to the development matters statements.  The children’s next steps are planned in accordance with those outcomes.  A record of the children’s progress is kept within their learning journals.   Please refer to the EYFS policy for further information. 

In KS1 & KS2, regular formative assessments are made against the learning objectives and are used to inform future planning.  Regular summative assessments take place throughout the school and we use the White Rose end of unit assessments.  Pupils will be judged as working towards, working at or working above age related expectations at specific and predetermined points throughout the year.  Termly PIRA and Testbase progress tests are used to asses children from Y2  -Y6 in maths.  This provides staff with standardised scores as well as being a useful diagnostic assessment to plan for next teaching steps.

Feedback and marking of mathematics is in-line with Curbar Primary schools’ marking policy. 

Please see the Milestones (progress steps) for maths below: