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The Curbar Curriculum

Curbar Primary School’s curriculum is rooted in the National Curriculum.  We provide a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum in order that we can fulfil our school aims and enable every child to flourish and become ‘Happy learners forging their place in the world’.

Our curriculum intention is to provide Curbar pupils with memorable, happy and engaging learning experiences that transcend cultural boundaries to empower and equip them for today and the future.

Our broad and progressive curriculum is designed to:

  • Develops and builds on knowledge, skills and understanding

We foster children’s delight in learning, equipping them to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers and lifelong, independent learners.  We do this by building on prior knowledge and delivering enriched learning sequences, so every child may fully develop their talents and fulfil their own aspirational, academic potential.

  • Develops character

We harness a culture of learning from life’s mistakes within a safe and nurturing environment.  We develop discipline, resilience, self-belief and a willingness to take risks.  We help children understand that effort is the route to success.  We strive for these characteristics to broaden horizons for all pupils, guiding them throughout their academic and personal lives and for them to always to know they are Curbar Citizens.

  • Inspires confident and robust advocates for the future

We nourish our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development within the ethos and values of the school.  They embrace, understand and use their ethical compass to work collaboratively and empathetically.  They make a positive influence and take responsibility for their shared community and the wider world.

  • Promotes respect and develop conscience

We value every individual so that each child understands both their inherent worth and the worth and values of others.  They are equipped and empowered to live life with respect and consideration.

We believe that a happy pupil is a good learner and that happiness as well as mental and physical wellbeing should be ends in themselves. We provide a warm and caring environment that nurtures confidence, self-esteem, kindness and support, whilst challenging our pupils to develop resilience and perseverance and to be respectful of beliefs, customs and practices of others.

When planning our curriculum, at the very forefront, is the absolute desire to excite and challenge all pupils whilst providing them with the essential knowledge, understanding and skills necessary for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they will undoubtedly face in life beyond Curbar.  Determining the design of the curriculum (including the key knowledge, language, vocabulary and concepts and skills pupils must grasp), are the end points (we call them milestones) our school wishes the pupils to reach. Since knowledge exists in rich schemata, we ensure that our pupils are taught knowledge in an order that enables them to make useful connections. Within our school curriculum, vocabulary plays a significant part in allowing children to become experts in a subject and giving them the cultural capital to develop mastery and growing independence. 

Underpinning our curriculum design and sequencing is our school’s vision. We value every child and every moment and therefore our curriculum is structured to ensure that our pupils can be the best that they can be by providing them with the building blocks of what they need to know, remember and be able to do to succeed.

Our curriculum allows for pupils to experience life in all its fullness – it goes beyond Curbar and helps them to develop a good understanding of their role in society and the world in which they live recognising and appreciating the past, present and future.

Our curriculum is delivered through:

  • A thematic approach that is flexible and adaptable to the meet the needs of our individual pupils alongside the discrete teaching of reading, writing, grammar, spelling and maths.  Other subjects are often taught discretely to ensure full coverage of our curriculum
  • A progressive and sequenced curriculum in each national curriculum subject to ensure children are given the knowledge to know more and remember more.
  • Planned opportunities to teach and revisit key knowledge  in order to secure learning and ensure progress as well as opportunities to learn new knowledge when new learning is connected with what has already been learned.
  • An approach which allows for feedback to be provided at the point of learning.
  • Ongoing formal assessment opportunities through effective questioning and ‘quizzing’ throughout the learning.   This diagnostic assessment allows teachers to identify gaps in learning and plan future learning accordingly. 
  • End of unit and termly formal assessment opportunities for all children. 
  • Memorable experiences to hook and engage our pupils into their learning.
  • A range of quality and diverse key texts that promote the use and development of rich vocabulary.
  • Provide opportunities to develop oracy skills through a range of exciting speaking and listening opportunities and challenges.
  • Opportunities to develop pupils social and emotional skills.
  • A strong community approach with pupils at the very heart.

Through the teaching of our curriculum, we aim for every child to grow and flourish and leave Curbar with a strong sense of well-being as well as the knowledge and skills to help positively shape the society in which they will live.

Our curriculum is broad, balanced and include the essential knowledge and skills whilst at the same time working to recover missed learning that is essential for our pupils to progress.  The intentions of the curriculum are deeply rooted within the work of the school where approaches are adapted to meet the changing demands in society whilst ensuring we serve our children and community with a bespoke core.

Please click on the link to view the National Curriculum document for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.  Primary National Curriculum 

Please click on the tabs below to take you to the curriculum page for that subject.