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Cubar - A little bit about us

As of September 2023, Curbar Primary School has 75 pupils on roll, aged five to eleven, including 9 full-time children in the Reception year.  There are four permanent teachers.  The executive head teacher also leads at Longstone C of E Primary School.  He splits his time between the two sites.

We have four classes in school: The Bumble Bees (Reception) are based in School House; The Busy Bees (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2); Birch (Year 3 and Year 4) and Elder (Year 5 and Year 6). 

The school is smaller than many schools and is an integral part of the community of the three villages (Curbar, Calver and Froggat), acting as a unifying influence. The majority of pupils live in the local village but some travel from further afield.

The proportion of children identified with special needs is less than average and we strive to provide an inclusive, relaxed and friendly environment for all children to learn and feel valued.

Curbar Primary School has excellent punctuality and attendance.