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The Governing Body

Introduction from the Chair

Welcome to Curbar Primary School

Our governing body is made up of nine Governors, including the Headteacher and is supported by a clerk. They come from a diverse range of backgrounds and have a variety of skills. It is a credit to this school and to the local community that we have such a strong body of support and challenge for Curbar Primary School. To find out more about the individual governors and their roles, please look on the ‘Meet the Governors’ page of the school website.

The governing body and the school work closely together to set and achieve the aims and objectives of the school. Their role involves supporting and challenging the Headteacher in setting the school’s strategic aims, vision and ethos; evaluating and improving performance; planning for the future; and ensuring that resources are efficiently and effectively deployed. The governing body has clearly stated legal obligations and functions but the reality is that we are here because we care for the school and its children and want it to continue to thrive in our community.

Meetings of the full governing body take place once every term and are supported by smaller committee meetings and working parties. Governors often attend school events during the year and provide drinks and biscuits at parents’ evenings.

A Governors’ Newsletter is produced which provides a summary of the key matters arising. You can find recent editions on the ‘Governors’ Newsletters’ page.

Should you at any time wish to speak to our school governors, you are very welcome.   Parent Governors are often available in the playground at the start or end of the school day. Alternatively, you can contact any Governor via the Headteacher, or by emailing an individual directly by inserting their details into the following format:

Many thanks for your interest and involvement in Curbar Primary School.

Jane Taylor
Chair of Governors