Intent‘Enabling children to navigate the digital world with confidence, safety and creativity’. At Curbar Primary School, computing is the medium through which the world is accessed and life is lived, and is an integral part of all learning and life. Through the study of computing, children will be able to develop a wide range of fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding. We aim that by providing our pupils with an exciting and progressive computing curriculum, that addresses the challenges and opportunities offered by the technology rich world in which we live, they will be confident contributors to society as safe and responsible digital citizens. We aim to develop independent learners who learn computer science and are able to design, create and evaluate their learning with increasing effectiveness. At Curbar, computing is implemented through discrete and cross-curricular teaching, ensuring that content is relevant and purposeful, with the desire to develop and foster a pupil’s love of the subject. Through practical and meaningful real-life contexts, pupils learn a variety of transferable skills and have the opportunity to continually practise, apply and build upon previous learning. We follow the ‘Purple Mash’ schemes of learning to support class teachers in delivering all aspects of the national curriculum. |
At Curbar, we promote pupils’ SMSC development through computing in the following ways: |