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Class 3 – Years 5 and 6 – Elder:

The Maya

Please see the information below to find out what else they will be learning about!  

English – Writing: 

This half term we will be: writing a narrative based on our class book;  writing a travel brochure (information text); writing instructions about how to make Mayan hot chocolate. 

English – Spelling: 

Your child will be given a new list of topic related words that we will be looking at in class. These words will be ones that they are expected to use within their writing and spell correctly, although there is now no weekly tests. The children can choose to practise these at home if they wish. In addition, we will be doing spelling-based lessons in class.

English – Reading: 

‘The Curse of the Maya’ by Johnny Pearce and Andy Loneragan is our book study text this half term. In addition, each child will read with an adult during the week. Children will also be given opportunities to develop their reading as part of their English lessons.


In maths we will be learning about:

  • Fractions
  • Converting units


Kapow unit: ‘How do the Mayan civilisation compare to the Anglo Saxons?’ 




Invasion Games skills with a focus on hockey and small sided games.  Weekly swimming sessions. 


We will be considering the key question,  ‘If God is everywhere do we need special places to worship him? Can we worship God anywhere? 


Relationships unit from the Derbyshire PSHE matters scheme.


Les Planetes (including Holst)

Art and Design

Kapow unit, ‘Drawing – I need space’.


Kapow unit, ‘Programming music’. 


Charanga unit, ‘Make you feel my love’.  Young Voices preparation. 


Class 3 children will be given one or two pages from their SPAG and maths CGP books each week and one text from their reading CGP book. They should spend at least 20-30 minutes completing it to the best of their ability. They will also get a longer project homework grid linked to our topic, which will be due in during the last week of term. They could spend a little bit of time each week, or complete the whole project in one week. Completed work should be handed in every Friday and will be returned by Friday.

You can help your child at home by-

  • Listening to your child read each day.
  • Ask your child to talk about the book they are reading and talk around the story (using skills of inference and deduction)

Useful Reminders!

  • Named PE kit needs to be in school for Monday every week and swimming kit every Tuesday. 
  • Please bring reading books/reading record every day.
  • Our library day is a Wednesday so please bring library books back so you can choose a new one.

Please do not hesitate to contact staff at school if you have any questions regarding your child’s learning.  Thank you for your continued support!

Please find the end of year expectations for reading, writing and maths for Year 5 and Year 6 below:

SATs (Standard Attainment Tests) at End of Key Stage 2 (Year 6)

Please click on the link below to access the handout and presentation given at the recent Parent Meeting for Year 6 SATs (January 2023).