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Reception - Bumblebees



In Reception, Literacy is a combination of Communication and Language and Phonics.  We will begin the topic by exploring and sharing simple stories from other cultures, celebrating Diwali and retelling traditional tales. 

Author Study

We will be using the very engaging books written and illustrated by Anthony Browne.


We are continuing our journey using the Little Wandle Phonic Scheme.

You can help your child at home by-

  • Encourage your child to write the shopping list, cards, letters or anything that sparks their interest.
  • Practice the Tricky Word flashcards.
  • Practice letter sounds and listen to your child read.


In Mathematics we use White Rose Maths as our mastery approach scheme.  We will be looking at the  composition of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ; find, subitise and represent 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5; and one more and one less for the numbers 1 to 5.  We will be looking at circles and triangles and shapes with 4 sides.

You can help your child at home by-

  • Practice number bonds to 5 and 10
  • Look for numbers everywhere you go! What is one more? One less?
  • Build with Lego or blocks. You could even raid the recycling!
  • Look at circle and triangles in the environment.  Can you spot shapes with 4 sides?


PSE is embedded in all learning areas but our focus using PSHE Matters will be Exploring Emotions and Bullying Matters. 

Physical Development

Fine Motor– We will be concentrating on developing and strengthening the fine motor skills.

You can help your child at home by-

  • Using scissors, a knife and fork and practicing writing letter sounds and words
  • Break out the playdough and get squeezing!

Gross Motor– In PE the Busy Bees will be focusing on Gymnastics including core skills, balance, agility & co-ordination.   Forest School is an excellent time for children to explore and use their gross motor skills through climbing and playing games.

Understanding the World

As always, we will be spending a lot of time outside, please ensure your child has a pair of wellies in school each day.  Children will be exploring the features and changes in autumn.  We will be having an RE Week at the end of term. This will provide the children with an immersive experience to be able to answer the question ‘Which people are special and why?”

Expressive Arts and Design

This area of learning includes singing, dancing, pretend play, being imaginative, creating 2D and 3D art, collaborating and building on previous skills.   It is interwoven into other learning areas as well as Continuous Provision.  This term the Bumblebees will be creating ‘Marvellous Marks in art and focussing on ‘My Stories’ in music.

Useful Reminders!

  • Bring wellies, bookbags and a water bottle each day.
  • Reading books are changed every Friday.
  • Forest School is every Tuesday afternoon.  Come dressed appropriately for the forecasted weather.
  • Library is every Wednesday afternoon.  Please remember to pack their library book into their bookbag so they can select another exciting read!
  • PE is every Friday afternoon at school. 

Please do not hesitate to contact staff at school if you have any questions regarding your child’s learning. Thank you for your continued support!

Please see the long term plans for the Bumble Bees class for the year 2024 – 2024 below.

Please see our EYFS Curriculum Statement below.